On Creating the Visual
As an addendum to my “final post”, I was thinking about issues of how and why it’s difficult to communicate in different media. I‘m a pretty good fiction writer, an average academic writer, and I have no visual creativity. Which wasn’t a revelation to me this semester, but putting together my thoughts on how I function as someone who creates academic work has crystallized a lot of this for me.
I write fanfiction. I’d been writing for a few years when I realized that what I was writing in that context was making many of the same arguments as what I was writing academically (which sometimes led to repurposing story ideas for papers). Looking at that in the context of my struggles to create visual media, and text that incorporates the visual in an integral way, I’m wondering about the efficacy of the way I use different types of communication and I’m more convinced than ever that academic arguments can be made in almost any medium. Just possibly not by me.
we can't all do everything for everybody, but it would have been cool to get your final project as a piece of on-line fanfiction@
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